Farm Accident Lawyers in Bloomington

Have you been injured in a farm accident?

Attorneys that Specialize in Farm Accidents in Bloomington

More than 40% of the land in the USA is used for agriculture. It’s an industry that employs  millions of Americans annually. This is no difference in Minnesota.

Minnesota is a leading state in annual farm income. It actually ranks #5 among all the states.  It ranks at #5 among the states. Because of this, farm accidents are likely to happen. According to the National Institute of Occupational Health and Safety, over 150 farm employees suffer some sort of injury every single day.

Who Is Responsible? Keeping Your Workspace Safe

If you are working in the agricultural industry, your employer has the responsibility of keeping your workspace safe. He needs to follow all federal and state safety protocols. 

So, what happens if you are injured in a farm accident due to your employer’s negligence?

When that happens, you should immediately call Weston Law Office to take a look at your case. With our Minnesota farm injury lawyers’ help, you might want to pursue a personal injury claim. That way you can receive substantial compensation for your injuries.

When Can I Receive Compensation?

You can be entitled for compensation for many different reasons.

This can be because of negligence of the employer of the farm. 

In a lot of cases you can be compensated for the medical expenses and other losses that you suffered. Also, lost income due to the farming accident is usually compensated in cases like this.

There are many special cases that might be harder to recognize. This is why you need experienced help from a Minnesota farming accident lawyer. 

Fortunately, Weston Law is here to help you.

Contact Our Farm Accident Lawyers Today

At Weston Law Office, we understand very well that when you suffer from a personal injury due to a farming accent, that you could use the best help that you can get.

It might be hard to enjoy life as much as you once did, and everything becomes more stressful. Luckily, our team of professional lawyers got your back!

As your Minnesota farm accident attorneys, we’ll do our very best to address all your concerns and make you feel more comfortable about the entire process. That way you won’t have any additional stress. 

For example, we often hear concerns from employees of small family farms that their personal injury case will affect the business. Remember that it isn’t the owners of the farm who will be paying for your expenses. Their insurance company, which the business owners pay every month for the service it provides, is in charge of that.

Contact us today to schedule a free personal injury consultation.


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