Truck Driver Injury Prevention

Studies show that driving a heavy-duty truck is classified as one of the most dangerous jobs worldwide. Luckily, there are many truck driver injury prevention tips you can use to prevent hazardous situations. Our experts say that the trucking industry is a profession with one of the highest compensation claim rates. And since the profession requires long hours of driving, using injury prevention techniques is more than necessary. Weston Law Office provides professional Bloomington truck accident lawyers if you happen to be involved in an accident.
Which are the most common causes of truck driving accidents?
Driving a large commercial truck but not only requires a lot of attention to detail and skills. Many accidents are preventable, which is why truck business owners are encouraged to educate their staff. Some of the most common causes of truck accidents are listed below.
#1 Driver Fatigue
One of the most frequent causes of truck accidents is driver fatigue. Driving trucks comes with a lot of pressure, which is why it’s ranked as a high-stress job. Depending on the cargo and the company a trucker is working for, the number f miles to be driven requires several days on the rod at a time. Hence, driver fatigue can occur and lead to loss of coordination and concentration.
Keep in mind that there are specific laws and regulations for how many hours a trucker can drive in one shift. Following these guidelines thoroughly is extremely crucial for preventing driver fatigue.
#2 Distracted Driving
Distracted driving is another problem everywhere. It refers to any activity that diverts attention from the primary task of driving. And sometimes truckers are tempted to perform several tasks at once while driving.
When a driver takes their eyes off the road, even if it’s for a second, there’s the possibility of a disaster. It is estimated that up to 10% of fatal crashes are caused by distracted driving. So, driving for long distances might be boring, but a driver must always be attentive, especially if he’s driving a truck.
#3 Speeding
Did you know that truckers are tempted to speed and overtake? Well, sometimes, it might not be achievable to make a delivery in a pre-established time without keeping up a specific speed.
However, speeding and overtaking can lead to hazardous situations. This is one of the reasons why enlisting truck drivers in preventive driving courses can help them understand how to drive safely while still making it to the destination in time.
Which are the best prevention tips for truck drivers?
Accident prevention tips are invaluable. Accidents do happen, but the majority of accidents can be avoided by implementing some simple, common-sense tips. Here are some prevention tips you should follow at all times while driving a truck.
#1 Take your time
A professional driver must always take his time. For example, pulling in and out of the drop, yard must be done slowly. No matter what task you’re performing, it is essential to move slowly and think thoroughly about what you’re doing. Speed is one major contributing factor in many preventable accidents. Caution is key to preventing unnecessary hazardous situations.
#2 Check your truck before departure
This is a common-sense prevention tip, but it is extremely important. Before you start your shift, ensure you are thorough and check your truck accordingly. A complete pre-trip inspection can save you a lot of trouble. A piece of pro advice is to do things in the same order each time. This will help you remember every time to verify everything.
#3 Get plenty of rest
A common cause of truck accidents is not getting enough sleep. A truck drive experiences a lot of pressure since the hours spent on the road influence his paycheck. However, getting plenty of rest ensures you are able to drive safely and be attentive. When you’re sleep-deprived, your reflexes are slow. Keep in mind that you should follow a rest schedule to prevent getting too tired or even experiencing burnout syndrome.
#4 Plan your trip
Trip planning must be part of your routine. Driving a truck and identifying your final destination can be challenging. Luckily, with the help of a map, a GPS, and other fellow truck drivers, you can receive the necessary guidelines to reach your destination safely.
#5 Get to know your truck
Each truck has its own specifications, including size, height, and blind spots. This is a compelling reason why you should take your time and get to know your truck. This will help you plan your trip and avoid accidents. Besides, it can offer insights on proper maintenance and what to look for before departure. Headlights, turn signals, tire pressure, or similar aspects must all be taken seriously.
Which are the most recurrent truck driver injuries?
Now that you know the most common causes of truck driving accidents and some professional tips on how to avoid them let’s discuss the injuries. In case of a truck driving accident, a trucker can experience life-threatening injuries, including:
- Musculoskeletal injuries, like overexertion injuries of the joints, neck, back, and extremities.
- Slip and fall injuries, like falls from elevation, bone fracture, sprains, and strains.
- Crushing injuries, like being struck by falling objects or being struck by binders or chains.
- Driving-related injuries happen in vehicle crashes due to a driver losing control of a truck or being hit by another driver.
Depending on the accident type, a specific period of recovery will be necessary. But in severe injury cases, extensive medical care and rehabilitation will be mandatory. These will interfere with the quality of life and will necessitate specific trucking workers’ compensation coverage.
Are there any other common injuries?
Besides accidents on the road, there are some other common injuries a truck driver might experience. These refer to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and wrist strain. There are plenty of aspects that can’t be controlled in the trucking business, but understanding your limits is key to having full control. Ensure you take care of your wellbeing and your tuck so that you avoid unnecessary hazardous situations.